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Practical information


MSU provides an invitation and visa support
for exchange and visiting students.

Health Insurance

All foreign citizens must purchase a health insurance policy valid throughout Russia at their own expense. Take a PCR* test for COVID-19 no earlier than 2 calendar days before arriving in Russia. You will be asked to present a certificate confirming a negative PCR test result for COVID-19 at the border control when entering Russia. * PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a test method that allows you to detect the presence of a virus in a body. For the analysis, a swab is taken from the nose and throat.


Foreign students can apply for on-campus accommodation following the inter-university agreement. Usually, international students live in the Student Residence Hall on Leninskie Gory (DS, MSU Main Building). Accommodation fees depend on the provisions of inter-university agreements and living conditions.

Student life

Student life at Moscow University is very diverse and multicultural. You can definitely find a way to realize your talents and develop new skills. In order to keep up with all the news of student life at MSU, we recommend that you create a profile on the most popular social network in Russia — VKontakte. Most student organizations, sections and clubs at Moscow State University have pages on VKontakte. It is also a great opportunity to make friends with your fellow students!

Safety tips:  Lomonosov Moscow State University does it’s best for you to feel absolutely safe and sound during your entire stay at MSU. Nevertheless, there are several rules that one should follow in order to avoid potentially dangerous situations.


Moscow University provides students with extensive opportunities for sports and physical education. The sports infrastructure of the university includes:

  • Three-hall sports building with basketball, volleyball and universal halls
  • Sports complex of the Main Building of MSU with a swimming pool (25 m), gymnastics, physical training, boxing and weightlifting halls
  • Track and field arena
  • MSU stadium with a football field and running tracks,
  • Gym and hall for special medical groups,
  • Sports complexes and halls in other university buildings.